Injuries in the wilderness (Self-Aid and First-Aid in the woods)

What Could Possibly Happen? No matter how experienced you are, and how careful you try to be, Injuries in the wilderness Are ‘eventually’ Going To Happen to you. Being prepared to deal with accidents and injuries “Out There” will mean the difference between returning from your outing “Relatively Unscathed”, and having a Very Bad Time. … Read more Injuries in the wilderness (Self-Aid and First-Aid in the woods)

Best water filter (for bushcraft and Survival)

My Choice, for Best Water Filter  … { IMHO – YMMV } You Need “Clean” Water!! What I Use I have, over the years, most often relied on Boiling, to provide for “Clean” drinking water. You might see different ideas on boiling water .. Often I see so called experts call for “A Rolling Boil” … Read more Best water filter (for bushcraft and Survival)

The 13 Essentials (of Wilderness Survivaling)

The 13 Essentials (of Wilderness Survivaling) Before looking at the 13 Essentials (of WIlderness Survival), Here is a little background on the concept. You are probably familiar with the traditional “10 essentials” (originally formalized in the 70s by “The Mountaineers”  Map  Compass  Sunglasses and sunscreen  Extra clothing  Headlamp or flashlight  First-aid supplies  Firestarter  Matches  Knife  Extra … Read more The 13 Essentials (of Wilderness Survivaling)