Best Wilderness Survival Books –

Introduction: How great is it, to spend quiet time perusing and devouring some of the Best Wilderness Survival Books Ever Written? It doesn’t, of course, take the place of actually getting  Out There, and “Playing In The Dirt” .. But, sometimes it is almost as good for your soul. Many Moons ago, when I was … Read more Best Wilderness Survival Books –

Injuries in the wilderness (Self-Aid and First-Aid in the woods)

What Could Possibly Happen? No matter how experienced you are, and how careful you try to be, Injuries in the wilderness Are ‘eventually’ Going To Happen to you. Being prepared to deal with accidents and injuries “Out There” will mean the difference between returning from your outing “Relatively Unscathed”, and having a Very Bad Time. … Read more Injuries in the wilderness (Self-Aid and First-Aid in the woods)

Solo Trekking in The Wilderness – Going “Out There” Alone (Part 2)

Solo Trekking in The Wilderness – Going “Out There” Alone (Part 2) { Excerpt from Part 1: ……. Nice .. About 14 inches of Beautiful Rainbow Trout. I put him on an improvised “stringer”, and dropped him back in the water .. and settled back to watch the river go by, Something caught my eye, … Read more Solo Trekking in The Wilderness – Going “Out There” Alone (Part 2)

5 best Bushcraft Survival Knives – Tools That I have Known and Loved

Over the years I have had quite a number of “Woods Tools” .. Each of these “tools” had its pros and cons .. and I imagine I might  still  – at this late date – find one or a few that I ‘might’ Really Like .. But these are the 5 Best Bushcraft Survival Knives that I currently … Read more 5 best Bushcraft Survival Knives – Tools That I have Known and Loved

Solo Trekking in The Wilderness – Going “Out There” Alone (Part 1)

  I have in mind a place “Out There”, that I would like to go check-out .. A place no more than a dozen miles in from a relatively accessible trailhead, with not that extreme of an elevation gain, nor so treacherous, as to be un-doable as a Solo Trek – ‘alone’ in The Wilderness.I … Read more Solo Trekking in The Wilderness – Going “Out There” Alone (Part 1)